Visitor Terms & Condition
These terms and conditions apply to Visitor Registrations for trade show HGH India 2024 organised by Texzone Information Services Pvt. Ltd. (“we/our/us”)
As a Regular Visitor or New Visitor for HGH India 2024 (referred to as “you/your”), please read these terms and conditions carefully as they contain important information. By submitting your registration, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, we will be unable to accept your registration.
Pre-register to save your valuable time and Spot Registration Fee of Rs. 1000/- at the show. You will receive a confirmation email along with QR code. Show your QR code at Pre-Registration Counter and collect your badge when you arrive.
- Online Visitor Registration is compulsory for free entry. All visitors not registered online will have to pay Spot Registration Fees of 1,000/- for entry at the trade show. Last Date for online Visitor Registration: 20th November 2024.
- Visitors are required to register for a Visitor Badge and use it to gain entry into the trade show.
- Badges are non-transferable. Any misuse of visitor badge by allowing it to be used by another person whether visitor or exhibitor is strictly prohibited and will result in confiscation of the badge by the Security or Visitor Registration team.
- Anyone attending trade show should carry some form of photo-ID (passport, photo-ID driving license, identity card) or other identification acceptable to the Organiser or visitor registration team, which the Organiser or visitor registration team may ask to verify.
- Visitor should submit their visiting card at Registration Counter.
- Admission is restricted to trade visitors only.
- HGH India is strictly a trade show. Therefore, entry to consumers is not allowed. No retail purchase permitted. You can be disqualified if found doing retail purchase.
- Children below 15 years are not allowed to enter trade show.
- Only the following badge holders will be permitted entry into trade show:
Organiser, Exhibitor, Exhibitor Services, Official Service Provider, Media, Distributor, Buyer, Trade Visitor, Invitee, HGH India PLUS Membership Card, VIP, VIP Buyer and VIP Exhibitor. The Exhibitor Service badge holder will only be permitted in trade show halls on construction days.
- All registrations are subject to acceptance by HGH India. If your registration is received in advance of the trade show as Pre-Register, it will either (i) be confirmed in writing (including, without limitation, by email), or (ii) if written confirmation is not sent within 14 days of us receiving your registration, be deemed to be confirmed unless we notify you otherwise. If your registration is received only at the trade show itself, it will be confirmed by the act of HGH India registration team permitting you entrance to the trade show. A contract between HGH India and you will only be formed upon such confirmation. HGH India reserves the right to refuse to accept any registration.
- Your registration is issued for your personal use only. You may not procure registrations as agent for any third party, sell or otherwise transfer your registration to others or exploit your registration commercially or non-commercially in any way.
- HGH India reserves the right at any time to change the format, participants, content, location and timing or any other aspect of a trade show, in each case without liability. HGH India reserves the right to withdraw any registration after confirmation without liability.
- HGH India reserves the right to postpone or cancel a trade show without liability at any time for any reason (whether or not due to causes beyond our reasonable control). Where a trade show is postponed, your registration will be valid for any re-scheduled edition of that trade show (unless we notify you otherwise).
- HGH India reserves the right without liability to refuse admission to, or to eject from the trade show, any person in its absolute discretion, including (without limitation) any person who fails to comply with these terms and conditions or who, in the opinion of HGH India, represents a security risk, nuisance or annoyance to the running of the trade show. You agree to comply with all reasonable instructions issued by HGH India, the venue owners, security personnel and/or management at the trade show.
- Badge holders shall be in proper business attire. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry to those dressed inappropriately e.g. in shorts and slippers. Badge holders shall not take part in any canvassing, distribution of promotional materials, demonstrations, objectionable behavior or be involved in any activity which may disrupt the exhibition.
- The Organiser reserves the right to demand badge holders who do not comply with the Terms and Conditions to leave the trade show and to return their badge. They shall not be permitted to access the trade show halls for the remaining exhibition days.
- Badge holders voluntarily assume all risks and dangers incidental to the trade show. The Organiser is not liable for any risks and dangers incidental to the trade show whether occurring prior to, during or subsequent to the actual trade show, and/or your presence at the venue, including any death, personal injury, loss, damage or liability.
- Intellectual property rights and recording
All intellectual property rights in or arising out of the exhibition/ trade show are owned by the Organiser or its third-party exhibitors and nothing in these Terms and Conditions grants badge holders any rights in them unless with the prior written consent of the intellectual property rights owner(s). - Badge holders acknowledge that the Organiser, and official photographers and videographers may take photographs and / or videos of the trade show/exhibition, which may include you (the “Images” or “Videos”). Badge holders hereby grant the Organiser a royalty free, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, transferable sub-licensable license to use the Images and images for any purpose whatsoever. They acknowledge that the Organiser is the exclusive owner of all rights in the Images and Videos.
- Photography, audio or video recording is expressly prohibited at the trade show.
- Some HGH INDIA Exhibitors may have a lead retriever/scanner application to scan the badge and obtain your contact information (Title, Name, Company Name, Designation, Mobile, City) in an easy and quick way when you visit their booth. This contact data would be processed and used by Exhibitors for the purposes of informing you by any means (including through emails) about their own products or services should you decide to allow the badge to be scanned (it is completely voluntary).
- The personal information which you provide to HGH India will be held by us on a database and, where we have appropriate authorisation/consent, may be shared with other entities within the HGH India Group and selected third parties for marketing purposes. Your personal information may also be shared with government entities and regulatory authorities as required by law. The use that such government entities and regulatory authorities make of your personal information is outside of HGH India control and we do not accept any liability in this regard. For more information about how we may use the personal information you provide to us please see our Privacy Policy.
- Subject to the remainder of this paragraph, HGH India and all entities within the HGH India Group (as well as any employees or other representatives of the same) excludes all liability for loss, injury or damage to persons or property at the trade show. All indemnities, warranties, representations, terms and conditions (whether express or implied) except as set out herein are excluded. HGH India and all entities within the HGH India Group (as well as any employees or other representatives of the same) accept no liability for any loss, injury or damage whatsoever that you may suffer in connection with or arising from the trade show whether direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential (including, without limitation, loss of profit, loss of business or any other type of economic loss) or otherwise. The limitations and exclusions in this paragraph only apply to the extent permitted by applicable law.
- HGH India reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions (without notice) from time to time and you will be subject to the terms and conditions in force at the time that the Event is staged.
- No retail sale is allowed in the HGH India trade show
Contact Us
If you wish to contact us in relation to these terms and conditions, please contact us by email:

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